Wednesday, May 16, 2007

May 18th

We have a date! Benjamin will be born via c-section on Friday, the 18th, sometime around noon.

Here's the long version of the story. :-)

I went to the doctor today, and had made no progress in the past two weeks. Because of that, and because risks from my c-section with Micah, my doctor said he would not induce. He said that we could continue to wait, and see if I went into labor naturally, or we could go ahead and plan a c-section date.

Curtis and I were caught off guard that induction was no longer an option, and felt a little rushed in making a decision. While the doctor went to check O.R. availability, we talked through our options. Our concern is the recovery time that is involved with a c-section, while taking care of the other two kiddos. We decided that we would schedule a c-section for late next week (which would be right around my due date) and hope labor would begin.

However, the only available time to do a c-section is the 18th. Even though this isn't the option we wanted, we really feel like God made it very clear what door we need to go through. There is still a chance that I could go into labor, in which case, my doctor would just let me go. Benjamin is on the big side, but that isn't our main concern. Our main concern is complication from the previous c-section.

So, in less that 48 hours, we will be a family of five! Please keep the following things in prayer.
*Safety of Benjamin.
*Safety for myself during the c-section, and a smooth recovery afterwards.
*Pray for the different family members who will be driving in to be here with us on Friday.
*Pray for peace for Curtis and I. This isn't the road we were wanting to take, but we still want the end result of a healthy baby.



Alicia said...

Yay! Congratulations in advance. I'll certainly be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Girl, we are praying for you guys. I am excited and nervous for you!! See you Sunday, you mommy of three!!!

Alicia said...

Just wanted to let you know I didn't forget. T-minus 23 minutes, and counting! Praying for everything to go smoothly and for peace in the midst. And praying for the hands of the doctors. Welcome to the world, Sweet Benjamin!

Sherry said...

Yea I can't wait to see Benjamin! I'm sure he's absolutely beautiful. Congratulations! We Love You all!