Thursday, January 10, 2008

Helmet update

Benjamin and I made the trip back to Austin for his helmet adjustment. All looks great! We weren't able to see our regular helmet guy (he just had his neck fused.... slacker!), but he had a very nice fill in. She said that everything looked good. There didn't seem to be enough pressure on Benjamin's forehead, so she added a little pad in. The whole point of the helmet is to keep continual pressure on the forehead and the back of his head to help skull growth.

She also drilled multiple holes into the helmet. I thought this was to help with ventilation, but really, it to help them test the helmet. The stick these little probes into the holes, and that determines if the helmet is touching in all the right places. Right now it's just guess work based on the pink spots on his head when the helmet is removed.

Something else I learned today.... Benjamin's head has been becoming less and less sweaty. The orthotist said that his head has learned a new normal temperature, and now his body can better regulate that temperature, thus causing less sweating. Cool! (literally!)

On the down side, we weren't able to get our next helmet check appointment for the 22nd (the day we have Benjamin's 6 week post op appointment). Bud, the orthotist, isn't in the office on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. So we called the neuro surgeons office to see if we could move that appointment. Nope, she's only in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Dang it! So we will be going back to Austin on the 22nd to see the neuro surgeon and on the 24th for the next helmet check. Oh the miles we will be putting on our van!

After Benjamin's appointment, we went to a sandwich shop, which happens to make GREAT Oreo shakes, so that we could get a bite to eat before getting on the road again. I was feeling a little tired, and frustrated with having to do all this driving, and was just worn out in general. Providentially, I struck up a conversation with a couple, after I noticed their hospital bracelets. They had a daughter in the hospital where we had Benjamin's surgery. They were very sweet, asking about Benjamin, talking to him and making him smile. I asked why their child was in the hospital. "Open heart surgery." Wow! Open heart durgery on their six month old who is the size of a newborn. And I was complaining about driving? I took that moment, praised God for how "easy" we've had it with Benjamin, and had a much better attitude on the drive home.

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