Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back in the Helmet Again!

(Title to be sung to the song "Back in the Saddle Again")

Benjamin had a great appointment with the orthotist. Here's the deal with the whole knot on the back of his head. There is a triangle bone on the back of the skull. When the skull is moving, in this case do to remolding, that triangle bone is one of the first to move. When this bone moves, it pokes out. So the bump wasn't the "bad" thing. The "bad" thing is that Benjamin now has a callous where his helmet had rubbed on the bone. So they shaved a little out of the inside of his helmet, we watch to make sure it's getting less red, and that's it!

I asked the orthotist if I would still have to come and have his helmet check next week. She said that as long as The Bump is getting better (mainly less red) then we don't' have to come in till our appointment after that, which is Feb. 4th! Please be praying that the rubbing on Benjamin's head would stop and that his callous would improve so that we don't have to make the two trips to Austin next week.

Things are looking good! We are thankful that this was an easy fix, and that all this is caused by his skull moving, which is exactly what we want!

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