Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dr. visit

Today, we had Benjamin's six month well visit. Curtis and I were very anxious to meet with our regular pediatrician to have some of our concerns addressed, and maybe get a little comfort about this whole situation.

Our doctor reassured us that even though craniosynostosis (cranio) is still a possibility, he doesn't think it's the main possibility. He told us that there were two other diagnoses he thought were more likely. One being extra fluid around the brain, which is very normal for a child Benjamin's age and wouldn't be a cause for concern. The other is that he has a preemie head, and would wear a helmet to correct his head shape.

The possibility of cranio is still there, and our pediatrician wants us to continue the process of seeing the neurosurgeon. He did tell us that since Benjamin's head is still growing, we aren't in any rush to get to the neurosurgeon. That was a huge relief! He told us what we already know, that if Benjamin does have cranio, then he will have to have surgery. He went on to tell us that it's not a fun surgery, and we really don't want to have to deal with it. But of course, if we have too, we was very reassuring that the doctor we would be using is a good one.

So we left feeling encouraged that there are other possibilities our there, ones that are much less severe. I was made a little more nervous about the possibility of surgery, since he made it sound like such an unpleasant thing (not that I was thinking it would be pleasant :-)).

Here's how we are asking you to pray:
*Benjamin wouldn't have craniosynostosis. But rather, it would be one of the other problems.
*That the whole referral process would be quick, and that we would get in to see the neurosurgeon as soon as possible.
*That Benjamin's head would continue to grow at the same rate, and no other signs of cranio would appear.
*Most of all, pray that Curtis and I would continue to wait on God's will, and in His peace.

Thank you!

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