Saturday, December 01, 2007

The plan

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." Prov. 19:21

Here are our plans for the next few days. Please pray that in all things, even are plans, we would honor and glorify God.

Benjamin, Curtis and I will be leaving for Austin tomorrow evening, about the same time the kids will be going to Covenant Kids at church. My Aunt will be coming into town to take care of the big kids for the first couple of days. Curtis' Dad and his wife are going straight to Austin tomorrow afternoon, and we will meet up with them there. My Dad is with us now, helping us work through all the final details. My Mom will be coming in at some point tomorrow, though we're not sure if she will come here, or to Austin. Curtis and I are hoping to stay at the Ronald McDonald house for our time in Austin, but won't know for sure if that's going to work tomorrow morning.

Monday morning we have to be at the hospital at 6:30. The surgery starts at 8:00. we're not sure if that means they are going to take Benjamin back at 8, or if the actual surgery starts at 8 so they'll take him sooner.

The surgery will last between three and four hours. Our parents will be at the hospital with us, as will our pastors, and some wonderful friends who live not too far from Austin.

After the surgery, Benjamin will be in the PICU for 24 hours, most for observation. If he is eating well and doesn't spike a temp, we will be moved to a regular room in the surgery recovery wing on Tuesday. Tuesday is also the day our parents will be heading home, provided all is going well. My Mom will be heading here to relieve my Aunt of kid duty. And she is staying with us indefinitely after we get home.

We are anticipating coming home on Thursday.

As far as long term plans, we really don't' have any. At this point, we're totally focused on making it through the next few days. We know that we will be in Austin more for follow up appointments, but we don't know when or how often. We know that he will be put in a helmet to train his head how to grow correctly. But we don't know when and where all that will happen, or how long he will be in it.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Every day when I wake up, I know we're one day closer to Benjamin's surgery. Every day the reality of the situation becomes more real, and I become more nervous. Praise God for His peace! Praise God for the prayers of his people!


Anonymous said...

Good to know things went as planned and you didn't have to reshedule. I wanted to call you last night to find out, but I know how much your phone likes to ring :). I'm beginning to think it's just me though, hehe.

Kyle said...

Hey Krazy Krajca Klan,

Lindsay and I are praying for y'all, and we're looking forward to seeing Benjamin and y'all when you get home next week. Call us if you need us for anything.

Sherry said...

You know you can call Jason's clan at anytime while in the Austin area - we'll be a hotel, taxi or whatever! Our prayers are with your whole family.

The Borchgardt Bunch said...

What an amazing testimony this blog is! Although completley different set of circumstances, I recall 9 weeks in the Neonatal ICU with Blaine and Suzanna like yesterday and I FEEL your thoughts as if they were my own but on a different situation and I prayed your prayers that you have filled this blog with. My feverent prayers are with you for a peace that transcends all understanding and for God to be in every detail and that you see HIM in the details to feel his prescence in the hospital, waiting room and beyond. May God be with you! I read Psalm 91 until I had it memorized over Blaine and Suzanna. I will pray that prayer for your little one as well.

Perri said...

I am a friend of Lindsey's and just want you to know we will be praying for Benjamin.

I have another blogging friend who has a son getting ready to undergo this same surgery this month.

Her son is much older than Benjamin though. I went through your blog and read it and saw his pictures. He is an absolute doll.

Praying all goes well for you all and that you feel yourself surrounded by God's love, peace and the prayes of your family in Christ.

Alicia said...

Praying for you guys!

Puente Family said...

You guys will be in Jason's and my thoughts and prayers all day tomorrow and for the days to come.