Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This morning, Benjamin will be getting tubes put in his ears. We are very positive about how it will help him, and aren't too nervous about the day. One of my main concerns was if he woke up after midnight and we weren't able to give him anything to eat. But, God answered my specific prayers, and Benjamin has been snoozing well all night long. What a testimony to God's love!

Please pray that all would go smoothly, that we would be able to come home later this morning and that the older children would be obedient to their babysitter.


Shannie said...

Thanks for calling this morning to let a concerned aunt know how things went!

Oh wait, you DIDN"T CALL ME!!! Nerd...just kidding. Love ya. Glad to hear (from mom) that things went well.

Anonymous said...

Hope the morning went least the afternoon is good...all kids sleeping. WOO HOO!!!

Erin :)