Thursday, February 15, 2007

Double Digits

If you notice the ticker at the top of the page, we are now in the double digits! Only 99 more days till Benjamin is due!

I know a lot of you have read the post on our family page about the exciting day we had at the park. Well, poor Benjamin was in on the action too!

I think Benjamin's a lot more active than the other too. And that would make sense since his heart rate is higher than the other two. On Tuesday, in the midst of all the drama that was unfolding (mostly due to the screaming, I think) Benjamin was kicking up a storm. It was non stop movement! Then, when I was holding Elizabeth, trying to calm her down, he was kicking right where she was laying. It was so funny!

Poor baby, he doesn't have any idea how exciting his life is going to be!

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