Yesterday we made the familiar trek to Austin to see Dr. Aronin, Benjamin's neuro surgeon. We have to go every six month, just to check in, make sure the hole in his head is closing up, make sure his development is on track, share any concerns, all that good stuff. Benjamin's appointment went very well. He is doing great, is on track, has a shrinking hole in his head.... life's good! We'll go back again in August, just to check in again.
At this stage in the game, we expect to hear good reports. But we never take them for granted. There are so many things that could have gone wrong, that could still go wrong, and we are thankful that God has given Benjamin such a remarkable recovery. He is so good to us!
Amen and amen
My lips shall praise Him.
He is good all the time.
all the time He is good!
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