Saturday, March 10, 2007


I have greatly enjoyed sharing with people the fact that there will be seven little boys and zero little girls in Benjamin's age group at church. In fact, I think it's so cute, that we should name this group of soon to be godly men. Here are my thoughts (as well as some stolen from others!).

The Reformed Rascals
The Presbyterian Posse
The Covenant Chaos Markers

Any other suggestions?

Oh, and to get a sneak peak at a few of these little guys, check out Benjamin's friends list. Already, we have blogging babies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kierstyn!!

I'm new to responding to the blogs...Brandon usually does it all so I hope you get this!!

Thanks for all your sweet and encouraging comments to our website! I appreciate you staying in touch with us!! It's been a little crazy here - so I apologize this is one of my first responses back!!

So, you are having another boy!?! Hooray!!! How exciting! I bet Elizabeth and Micah are just thrilled! ANd your photo at 28 weeks looks so good! You look so beautiful and radiant (I love your hair)! Isn't it amazing how the babies just keep growing and growing? I think I gained just about as much weight with Sage as with Lance, but she was (thanfully) a little smaller when born! I am enjoying getting down to a more reasonable size and being able to shave my legs again and see my toes!

Well, I may not have much time to write for a bit - but I'll try to stay in touch and though I check email several times a week, I'll try to respond within a week or two!

Lance misses his friends from WPC. He is in a 3-5 year old class here - and slowly making new friends. He turns 3 on March 30th so I am hoping to have a few new kids over so he can get connected with kids his own age here, too. :)

Life is busy - but God is so good to us! Sage is very sweet, quiet, and content. :) She's kind of put herself on her own schedule of eating every 3 1/2 hours or so, which I love (instead of every 2 hours like with Lance in the beginning) that gives me time to shower, make dinner and spend some time with Lance without being entirely exhausted!

Well, I gotta go - but just wanted to say hello and thank you for staying in touch!!

Give your family our warm hellos and have a blessed day!
with love,