Saturday, January 20, 2007

Why I'm a good Mom

For those of you who know me, you know that this could be a very long post. But, in the interest of time, I will focus on one area.

Today, for the first time in my life, I went to a yoga class. Not just any yoga class, mind you, a prenatal yoga class! My friend Jamison, who has done this before, somehow convinced me that it would be fun, relaxing, and really not that hard. She keeps telling me that as we're driving over there, me still unsure as to if I will be keeping my newly purchased yoga mat or not. As we pull into the parking lot, she reminds me of two things. 1) There is no talking in yoga. 2) No matter what, don't laugh.

We walk into this tiny little room, and "register." There are about eight other preggos, and only two of us (me and Kendra, who is 29 weeks) actually look pregnant. “Great,” I think to myself. “Not only am I the only person who has more than one child, I'm also one of the fattest!” Thus far, none of this seemed like a laughing matter to me, so I was sure I could follow that rule.

As we take off our shoes and enter The Room, I quickly find a place next to Jamison, that way I can have moral support, and someone to call Curtis if I fall. The instructor comes in, and goes through all the basics of a yoga class. At this point, I'm starting to think that maybe this won't be so hard after all. The session begins with relaxation and deep breathing. "Put one hand on baby to connect," the instructor encourages us. “Right, like the fact that this little guy is kicking me doesn't help me connect to him,” I think. I'm tempted to look around to see if anyone else is connecting with their baby, but I don't in case there is Rule 3: Always keep your eyes closed during baby connecting.

Okay, so far so good. I really am relaxed, connected to Benjamin, and loving the fact that I'm not with Elizabeth and Micah, both of whom are sick!

Then, we begin several more challenging positions. I followed the instructions, as best I could, yet still found my rather round belly bumping into my legs, or the floor. Thankfully, the instructor seemed to be aware of my predicament, and offered alternative to the position to accommodate Baby. At one point, during the Warrior Stance, I had my foot facing the wrong way. The instructor gently points this out, and I am relieve that I wasn’t supposed to be in that much pain, or about to fall over!

About this time, I also figured out why I was told to not laugh. Here are a few of the things our instructor told us. "Raise your arms, releasing all judgment about self, and others." "As we hang upside down (insert technical term I don't know) feel the baby hang in air, and play in his space." "Become a tree, and if you wish, grow branches." Through it all, I didn't laugh!

By far the best part of the experience was the end. We were able to go to our Baby Position, which meant we all lay on the floor. Before getting up, I had to be sure there wasn’t drool running down my chin.

So, Jamison, you were right! I like yoga!! There, I've said it out loud for everyone to hear... I may be becoming a yogi!


Lindsay Newcomer said...

My favorite line: "someone to call Curtis in case I fall." You are a scream, Kiersty! I'm very proud of you for going.

Amy said...

You CRACK ME UP! I would pay money to have ESP and hear your thoughs when she said the thing about being a tree if you want, and growing branches. You are a much stronger woman than I - I would have laughed out loud, lost connection with the baby, and ruined the rest of the yogis' experiences as well!

Thankfully, when I took yoga at A&M for my kinesiology credits, the instructor was a Sunday school teacher and didn't make us do any of the meditation/be a tree parts.

Oh, and I love the name! I had the monster of all crushes on a Benjamin in middle school.

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Amy said it before I could, but I would be kicked out of there at, "Be a tree and grow branches..." Couldn't handle it! I'm proud of you for trying something new! We sure miss you guys, but I'm thankful for blogging, aren't you? Can't wait to hear how the rest of your yoga-ing goes!

Alicia said...

One of my friends has a 6-year-old daughter with a children's yoga video. I knew I couldn't hack it when I was babysitting one night, and she pulled it out. As we sat in some crazy position, the instructor started singing "Ommm a Little Teapot." I kid you not. I thought my head would pop I was laughing so hard. How can you keep from laughing?!?

Anonymous said...

I was really impressed with how WELL you were ROCKIN those yoga moves! Yeah!
I have a confession to make: I am ashamed to admit that even though I told you not to laugh, I myself giggled a little when I fell out of my "tree".
And then I was like "Dang it! I broke my own rule!!!"
On another note, I went to UNC-Greensboro, and yoga weirdness is NOTHING compared to the weirdness that went on at that school, so being a tree is kind of normal to that bad???